Open Source Tensegrity

Only Push and Pull

In the 1960s Ken Snelson first explored what could be done (artistically) with structures that were based on using only continuous tension and floating compression, and Bucky Fuller elaborated the philosophical implications and called it tensegrity. Tom Flemons showed us what it could mean in terms of biology.

The Pretenst project starts in the abstract with a home grown software model (minimal physics engine) called elastic interval geometry, and extends the exploration into what can be designed and ultimately built in physical form when you work in terms of only push and pull forces.

from virtual to real

Click on the images below or scan the QR with your smart phone to see how the designs emerge.

Your Hands

Unfortunately, pictures and movies and even live virtual models fail to really communicate what tensegrity is. The only way to really internalize this idea is to give it to your hands.

If you’re going to be using these structures to communicate ideas with others, you need structures which are durable and robust so they last for years.

Beyond that, there is a whole new dimension of understanding available if you can change the tensegrity from loose to tight and back. Few get this.

Give your hands a treat by ordering your own adjustable tensegrity kit at